People often find that dieting is a difficult process. It may be due to different reasons such as the controlling of the foods to eat, the lesser portions to eat, feeling hungry in between meals… Of course, no one said that dieting is as easy as ABC, but it is always important to understand and know the goals of dieting! One of the best reasons is to teach ourselves to eat healthily! Today’s topic will discuss the 10 Best Low Calorie Foods in Malaysia, which are easily available from LAZADA & SHOPEE.
What are the 10 best low calorie foods list in Malaysia?

If you are already on a diet and feeling hungry at most times which causes you to fail your diet, try out some of these insanely healthy and low-calorie foods! We have investigated and found out the top 10 best low calorie foods in Malaysia that can found at LAZADA and SHOPEE! Psst, it helps to fill your tummies while not regretting over it!

Yup, you have seen it right! Yoghurt is one of the best foods in the world. It is packed with protein, a little bit of fat and loads of nutrients! Yoghurt is created by fermenting milk or cream with yoghurt culture. It is a healthy choice when the right type of yoghurt is chosen as a snack!
Which type of yoghurt is the best?
- Non-fat yoghurt, Low-fat yoghurt, full-fat yoghurt
- Plain Greek yoghurt
- Kefir (liquid yoghurt for drinking)
Unfortunately, most yoghurts and yoghurt drinks in the market contain additional ingredients that make yoghurt unhealthy for you! Some examples would be added sugar, artificial flavourings and dried fruit pieces. These are added to cover up the sour taste of the plain yoghurt.
The benefits of consuming yoghurt:
- High in protein – great for the bones to prevent osteoporosis.
- Aids in digestive health – some yoghurts contain good, live bacteria called probiotics and this help to reduce symptoms such as bloating, diarrhoea and constipation.
- Great for weight management – the high protein content increases appetite-reducing hormones which can help to prevent hunger.
- Filled with nutrients – it contains many vitamins and minerals that are essential for health.
Yoghurt is low in calories, ranging from 60-100 calories per 100 grams. If you are not one for the sour sensation, try to sweeten the plain yoghurt with fruits, a little honey or maple syrup. Alternatively, turning the yoghurt into a fruit smoothie can make your day. You can replace butter and oil with yoghurt in baking (tastes absolutely delicious!). Change the sour cream for yoghurt on your favourite tacos. Up your curry to another level with yoghurt instead of coconut milk.
Pro-tip for snacking: one small bowl of plain yoghurt with blueberries or strawberries.
Try out these yoghurt products: Bright Cow Fresh Yogurt Natural, Farmers Union Greek Style Natural Yogurt

Haiya! Serious or not?! I am definitely serious about this food but how about you?
Popcorn, true to its name, is corn that ‘pops’ with high heat.
Popcorn is a healthy snack when done right! Referring to lightly salted or plain unsalted popcorn, it is a great snack that is packed with fibre (and very crunchy too!). Some of you may be disappointed it is not your average caramel popcorn at the movies but one should know that your go-to movie snack is quite unhealthy. Popcorn at the movies is highly added with salt, sugar, butter etc which increases the number of calories. Research has shown that popcorn at the movies can easily go up to 1200 calories per bucket!
Benefits of popcorn:
- Great for heart health and diabetes – popcorn is a whole grain food and it is packed with essential nutrients.
- Helps in weight management – the high fibre content makes it a powerful snack. Fibre is not only important in a balanced diet, but it also gives a filling sensation which causes people to eat less.
- High in antioxidants – antioxidants help to protect our cells from harmful radicals that can damage them.
Plain popcorn – doing it right from the start! When air-popped, it only contains about 31 calories in a cup (without seasoning)! Of course, if you are not used to plain popcorn, you can try popping them with some olive or coconut oil, seasoned lightly with salt at the end. A great snack indeed!
Make your popcorn today with some Popcorn Kernels.
Nuts & Seeds

Nuts are seed kernels that contain a hard, inedible outer shell widely used in cooking and eaten as a snack. Those available nuts in the market are often shelled and ready to eat. Although nuts are high in fat and calories, they are able to provide you with the proper nutrients and help with weight loss when eaten in the right amounts during in-between meal snacks.
Seeds are packed with wonderful nutrients as they are the beginning of life for plants.
Benefits of taking nuts and seeds:
- Great source of nutrients – from carbs to protein to fat, nuts and seeds are also filled with vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy body.
- Aids in weight loss – eating nuts can promote fullness and keeps hunger at bay. Feel full all day and eat less to lose weight!
- Maintains good cholesterol levels – nuts have a high content of good fatty acids while seeds have omega 3 and 6. They help to raise ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and also reduce ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol. This helps in heart health.
- Packed with antioxidants – these antioxidants will help to protect body cells from damage.
How many nuts and seeds should you take? The general rule is to take a serving that fits into the palm of your hand. This will give about 100 calories. Besides, you can refer to the following as a reference.
100 calories of nuts look like this:
- 13 Almonds
- 25 Pistachios
- 10 Hazelnuts
- 10 Pecans
- 6 Macadamias
- 10 Cashew nuts
- 5 Walnut halves
100 calories of seeds look like this (usually about 2 tablespoons):
- 19 grams Flaxseeds
- 4 grams Chia seeds
- 7 grams Hemp seeds
- 18 grams Sesame seeds
- 5 grams Pumpkin seeds
- 18 grams Sunflower seeds
Pro-tip: Lightly toast or roast nuts and seeds in an oven for a better taste and pleasing aroma. You can also eat a mix of nuts and seeds such as trail mix.
Buy these nutty or seeds mix products online: Amazin’ Graze Healthy Nutty Protein Trail Mix, Signature Market Walnut Trail Mix, Mix Roasted Nuts, Mix Roasted Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds

Oats are one of the healthiest grains in the world. There are many ways to turn oats into a yummy meal! Oatmeal porridge, oatmeal cookies, oatmeal pancakes are some of the many oatmeal snacks. Oats contain a very important fibre called Beta-glucan which provides many health benefits.
Benefits of oats:
- Shedding some pounds – similarly to popcorn, oatmeal is very filling because it has huge amounts of fibre and increases a feeling of fullness which will help to reduce calorie intake.
- Protects the heart and lowers blood cholesterol levels to protect the heart and prevent heart disease.
- Relieving constipation – the oat bran on the outer layer of oats helps to relieve constipation and ease bowel movements.
Most people find oatmeal quite a boring food choice due to its plain taste. However, oatmeal is not just eaten in the porridge form only. A great method to turn oatmeal into a snack would be overnight oatmeal. You can add in milk or yoghurt, fruits and chia seeds to make it even more wholesome.
Oatmeal by itself is about 140 calories per half a cup while overnight oats is about 300 to 400 calories depending on the different ingredients added. It is a suitable breakfast choice as it would last you throughout the morning. Reduce the portion to half to turn overnight oatmeal into a snack.
Pro-tip: Do not add additional sugars into the overnight oatmeal as it will add on more calories!
Buy oatmeal here: Quaker Whole Rolled Oats, Radiant Organic Rolled Oats
Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are vital in our daily lives as part of a balanced diet. They provide vitamins, minerals and fibre which are essential to maintain a healthy body. Experts have recommended that fruits and veggies should be the basis of every diet.
Do consume a wide variety of fruits and veggies because not all fruits and vegetables contain the same nutrients. While it is often part of our main meals, did you know that fruits and vegetables can be fitted as snacks in between meals? Each portion is not a lot, but enough to satisfy your hunger. Some great examples would be:
- Frozen berries
- Steamed and lightly salted edamame
- Avocados
- Low-carb veggies such as cucumber and broccoli
Benefits of consuming more fruits and vegetables:
- Lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke
- Maintains blood pressure control
- Protects against cancer
- Losing weight
- A better gut and digestion
Buy fresh fruits & vegetables here.
Hard-boiled Eggs

Eggs are considered as ‘superfoods’ and one of the best low calorie foods. They are loaded with proteins, vitamins and minerals. Eggs are great in any form of cooking or being eaten whole.
Hard-boiled eggs are the go-to when it comes to snacking. Not only are they nutritious, they can also curb hunger! A large, boiled egg contains about 77 calories only and is super filling. As it is a form of high-protein food, it provides a feeling of fullness which will indirectly reduce calorie intake.
Benefits of eating eggs:
- Weight loss – this ‘powerhouse’ is fully packed with good nutrients and helps to create a sense of fullness then reducing food intake.
- Lowering triglycerides in cholesterol – enriched omega-3 eggs are able to reduce blood triglycerides, a risk factor for heart disease.
- The ‘natural protein bar’ – eggs are excellent sources of protein and contains all the essential amino acids that build our cells.
- Full with antioxidants – surprisingly, eggs contain antioxidants that are good for eye health.
Pro-tip: eggs should be eaten whole without the addition of sauces! Take it half-boiled or hard-boiled for a snack.
Buy Kampung Eggs here: Fresh Grade A Kampung Eggs
Protein Shakes

Protein is a macronutrient essential in muscle building, tissue repair and enzyme and hormone production. Protein powder is highly demanded in our generation as bodybuilding becomes increasing in popularity. Plus, protein powder can work as an additional supplement for vegetarians and vegans. As you can see, protein powder can do a whole lot more than just bodybuilding.
It is great for:
- Losing weight – since protein gives a filling sensation and helps decrease hunger and appetite.
- Growing muscles – protein is the building block of cells and muscles.
- Additional nutrition – if protein-based meals are not readily available.
Here are some of the most popular protein powder types in the market (all protein powders contain all essential amino acids):
- Whey protein: dairy-based
- Casein protein: dairy-based
- Soy protein: Plant-based
- Hemp protein: Plant-based
- Pea protein: Plant-based
When mixed with a liquid (with water or milk), it forms the protein shake that people hyped about. A typical protein shake is about 100 to 150 calories. Quite a low-calorie snacking option when you are actually thinking of that roti kosong post-workout or as a midnight snack.
Protein shakes are able to give you the extra nutrients even while snacking!
Pick your protein powder: MYPROTEIN Whey Protein Powder, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein Powder, Nutrilite Soy Protein Powder, Soluxe Soy Protein Shake Powder, Soluxe Vegan Raw Plant Organic Pea Protein Shake Powder
Protein Snack Bars

Since we have talked about protein shakes, now we shall explore another popular snack – protein bars. Protein snack bars are designed to be a convenient source of nutrition. Various brands of protein bars in the market are not created equal to each other and differs between the ingredients used.
Well, it is called the protein bar since a bar can contain up to 30 grams of protein. The average protein bar contains carbs, fat, protein and fibre. The calorie count varies widely from a range of 150 to 400 calories. You will need to read the labels of the protein bars correctly to understand the type of ingredients used and also which protein bar will suit your needs best. You should also choose protein bars that contain less unhealthy sweeteners like fructose syrup.
A high-calorie protein bar can replace meals while a lower-calorie protein bar can serve as a snack.
Some examples of protein snack bars available online: Atkins Snack Bars Cranberry Almond, Assorted SlimFast Keto Meal Bar, ONE Assorted Flavour Snack Bars
Dark Chocolate

Mmmm, chocolate! Did you know that chocolate, especially dark chocolate with 70 to 85% of cocoa is a beneficial snack? Quality dark chocolate is a good source of nutrients and antioxidants. However, they are still high in calories so you should not be taking this in large amounts. Everything good in moderation will lead to better health!
Benefits of dark chocolate:
- It contains powerful antioxidants – in fact, they have more antioxidants than most foods and are able to fight damages to body cells.
- May reduce the risk of heart disease – compounds in dark chocolate protects against the oxidation of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol which reduces clotting in the arteries.
- May improve blood flow – though research shows slight effects, dark chocolate may stimulate blood vessels to relax and improve blood flow and blood pressure.
- Boosts your mood – dark chocolate stimulates the part of the brain linked with pleasure and reward, giving you a boost!
3 squares of dark chocolate will provide about 100 calories. It is an easy and convenient snack especially when you are hard at work.
Pro-tip: choose dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (>70%). Milk or flavoured chocolate may contain added sugars are a ‘no-no’.
Get your dark chocolates here: Lindt Excellence Dark Chocolate, Benns Sugar Free Vegan Dark Chocolate, Beryl’s Cacao Dark Chocolate
Coffee & Tea

After discussing so many best low calorie foods types and snacks, perhaps some of you would be thinking of what form of low-calorie beverages can be taken in between meals to stop hunger. Coffee and tea are both great examples of very low to zero-calorie drinks that are useful in diets (that is if you correctly drink them!)
Coffee comes from coffee beans on trees. They are roasted and ground into powder. To make coffee, you can boil, drip, steam or soak the coffee powder.
Tea comes from tea leaves that are dried and crushed. The ‘fermentation’ process is what gives the tea its caffeine content. The longer they are exposed to air, the more caffeine they have (Green tea < Oolong tea < Black tea [in increasing order of caffeine]).
Benefits of coffee and tea:
- High in antioxidants – these antioxidants help to fight free radicals from damaging cells.
- Caffeine is a natural stimulant – a natural boost in metabolism and also energy.
- Possible regulation of blood sugar – antioxidants in coffee and tea can help maintain blood sugar and prevent diabetes.
Pro-tip: drink coffee or tea without added sugar or creamer is super low in calories!
You can try out these instant soluble coffee: Assorted Moccona Premium Instant Coffee, Assorted Maxim Instant Coffee, Soon Specialty Drip Bag Coffee
If you are a tea lover, look here: Ahmad Tea Green Tea, Nokchawon Pure Oolong Tea, Lipton Yellow Label Black Tea
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Besides all these suggestions given, are there any tips to pick the right snacks?
- Pick whole foods such as proteins and fibres. Foods that are high in protein and fibre will help to increase fullness and decrease your appetite for the next meal.
- Remember to read the food labels for the best choice.
- Do not eat processed foods, junk foods, sugary drinks, bread and pastries etc. These are full of sugar and carbohydrates. They are very high in calories and you would not want them to replace your meals or even add on to your meals. Foods like these do not help in weight loss.
How many nuts and seeds should I take as snacks?
The general rule is the amount that fits in the palm of your hand. Not too much until it overflows or stack up.
I do not enjoy sour foods, and yoghurt should be flavoured. Is there any way to help with this?
You may try adding a little bit of honey or maple syrup. You can also try to sweeten the plain yoghurt with fruits which will enhance the flavour and make plain yoghurt enjoyable!
I cannot tolerate caffeine and it would make sleeping difficult at night. Is there any other low-calorie beverage?
The best beverage is PLAIN WATER. Plain water does not have calories and helps you to feel full too. It also keeps you hydrated! You can try green tea which contains hardly any caffeine. Sugar-free teas and beverages based on the labels will also work well.
Protein shakes and protein bars work well to keep me full for a meal. Can I take them daily?
All great foods should be taken in moderation. Even though there has not been much research showing any side effects of depending on protein shakes and bars but it would be best if protein-based meals can be eaten instead. If you are taking them in large amounts daily, pair them with exercise so that it helps to build muscles and does not accumulate in the body excessively. Too much in the body may negatively affect your health.
You might have noticed that the point is to ensure you keep yourself full. These top 10 low calorie foods will work well with your diet if eaten properly according to the recommended proportion for snacking times. More importantly, these foods are nutritious and yummy!
Dieting will not be a hard process when you can pick the right foods, eat at the right times and eat with the right amounts. You can try out a few types of snacks and choose whichever is best for you. You can do it! If you think this information is good, please share this article about the Top 10 Best Low Calorie Foods in Malaysia with your friends and family.