In this era of time, our world is becoming more digitally advanced. We are seeing new technology rising from thin air. Today, we are going to look at a topic that has been highly discussed in various segments. This would come in the form of cryptocurrency.
Firstly, cryptocurrency is a new form of currency that transcends what we have currently in terms of digital wallets. These currencies are mainly being utilized in Western countries, but it has since been invested by majority Southeast Asians. So, without further a due here are the top 10 best cryptocurrency to invest in at this point in time 2022 (Malaysia).

The first cryptocurrency that we will be discussing would be Bitcoin. Bitcoin has been well known by many traders in the cryptocurrency market. The currency was created in 2009 and has since been the most spoken about cryptocurrency. In fact, there is a reason why we want to start with this best cryptocurrency aside from all others. The product is not just a pioneer in the market, but it is also the crypto that a S&P 500 company has placed on their balance sheet. Here are some of its traits.
- Runs on blockchain technology
- Pioneer of cryptocurrency
- High growth percentage
We find that the best trait about Bitcoin comes in its security features. This is where users and ledgers must solve these puzzles prior to its use. This is mainly to keep Bitcoin safe from external parties or thieves. Aside from its security features, we are going to touch on the point that is listed on a company’s balance sheet.
There is not many downsides for the first ever cryptocurrency in the market. The only downside is due to external factors. This is considering that there are other varieties of cryptocurrencies that are popping up in the market. This could prove to be more competition for the pioneer of cryptocurrency.
- Security features
- Pioneer in the industry
- High returns
- Rising competition

The next type of cryptocurrency that we will review is called Ethereum. This currency has been widely considered as the second most valuable crypto. The main catalyst to its success is its adaptability to decentralized financing. We have also found that this best cryptocurrency is very worth investing as it is next closest competitor to Bitcoin. This means that it possesses close or near equal potential value as its predecessor. Here are some of its traits.
- Numerous decentralized applications
- High market capitalization
- High growth potential
The main reason of why you should invest in this currency is because of its adaptability. It is currently most used in decentralized markets and applications. You would be surprised in terms of how many emerging markets are beginning to take notice of the power in this currency. So, the potential for growth is certainly there.
The risk that comes with such a power crypto is that it is still very volatile. This is where the product is still prone to sudden crashes as what has happened recently this last month. Aside, it’s transactional application is still rather slow and unexplored.
We find that even with the risks that this product brings. It’s benefit very much outweigh the cons. This is because many investors have already touted this crypto to be one of the hottest investments in the market. Thus, if you are a low-risk investor. This is certainly a product for you.
- Many possible applications
- Adaptability
- One of the most valuable crypto
- Volatility

Now that we have brought your attention to Ethereum. We must bring your attention to one of its biggest competitions. This would be Solana. Their goal is mainly to creating a best cryptocurrency that can easily scale to demand. It currently has a huge network and even dApps to ensure relevancy of the crypto. Here are some of its traits.
- Early contender to be a preferred network
- Blockchain based games
- Low transaction fees
The best part about investing in Solana is that it is compatible and programmer friendly. This means that the product can easily be compatible to any app. To ride on that statement because it is programmer friendly.
The downside to investing in this crypto is mainly due to its outages and price volatility. It is rather new to the market, and it struggles to keep up with its own demand. We are sure that Solana already has plans to grow their network to becoming a world leading crypto.
So, we would definitely recommend any young budding investor to strike while the iron is hot. This is a product that is definitely worth a shout to get a high return of investment in the future. In fact, we have strong reason to believe that the net return that this can bring you is at least 2 times your investment.
- Adaptability
- Programmer friendly
- Low transaction fees
- Outages
- Price volatility

Moving forward, let’s look at another best cryptocurrency that is taking the world by storm. In fact, this crypto has garnered quite the amount of publicity from top industry leaders. This crypto is called Avalanche. Avalanche is currently the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry. In fact, one of the best parts about it is that it requires very minimal hardware Thus, catching the eyes of people such as Sam Bankman-Fried who is currently listed in FORBES 400. Here are some of its traits.
- Eco-friendly
- Solidity compatible
- Customizable
The best part about investing in this crypto in its low-cost fares. Most crypto’s currently charge a pretty high fare in order to use their platform. However, Avalanche being not just blazingly fast but also charge rock-bottom fees to execute smart contracts. This has even allowed to somewhat takeover Ethereum. In fact, we have heard that it is touted to be worth more than Ethereum in the future.
The downside as with many other crypto is that it is still very volatile. We would say for any investor in the market. Crypto is generally a very volatile topic, so it is only matter of selecting a crypto that is less volatile. For your knowledge, Avalanche has a 52-week low of USD9.34 and 52-week high of USD146.22.
We would say if individuals wanted to invest in this crypto, timing is key. They would need to ideally sit on the higher range of 52-week high and if possible, cash-out during that time. Although, we would recommend if you had the investment, this is one crypto that you should definitely stick with.
- Eco-friendly
- Low cost
- Customizable
- Extremely volatile

The next crypto that we are going to look at is called This type of crypto is very similar to that of Bitcoin. This crypto’s unique trait is that provides lending aggregation and other financial services. In fact, it even has insurance on Ethereum blockchain. In fact, some say that within the coming years, one could recoup their entire investment if not more. Here are some of its traits.
- Cut out financial intermediaries
- High trading value
- Unique buy-back program
The best part about investing in this product would be its scarcity. This contributes to the high price-tag that it has. We have reason to believe that currently there are only 36,666 tokes in the world. This is number definitely appeals to high-risk investors. This is because once these tokens becomes really valuable, the cash-out amount on your investment could be enormous.
The downside of investing in this product is that it is also prone to fluctuation. However, in current times, this crypto is closer to a 52-week low than a high. So, some investors may have to take a risk in buying the product to reap in the rewards in the future.
If there is one way to describe this crypto, it would be short term pain, long term gain. The product currently may be on high risk and low return scale. However, if all predictions are true based on the experts in the field. The investors of tokens will make all their money back and then some.
- Cuts out financial intermediaries
- High trading value
- Unique programming
- Currently on a 52-week low

Now, we are going to look at a crypto that is very similar to that of This crypto is called Polygon and they share similar goals to that of The unique aspect about Polygon is that it is built by developers. So, you can be assured that if you are developer that wants to integrate Polygon into your system. It would relatively simple. Here are some of its traits.
- Over 7000 dApps
- Secure
- Compatible
The best part about investing in this crypto is its limitless potential. Now, you may ask us. Doesn’t all crypto in the market have limitless potential? What makes this one so different? Well, based on our research, its value has gone up 40 times since last year. In fact, it also traded below its value in the December peak. This certainly makes it a very worthy investment for future times.
Unsurprisingly, the typical risk that comes with crypto is definitely volatility. We would say that this is definitely the main trait in the market for all crypto. Unsurprisingly so, it is one of the investments of the decade with a high risk and high return factor.
We would definitely recommend all investors to keep a close eye on this crypto. The benefits of it greatly out rules the risk that comes with it. In fact, with its ties and collaborations to top decentralized finance networks. This could prove to guide the fate of Polygon in the right direction.
- Secure
- Compatible
- Limitless potential
- Volatility

We have looked at some top tier crypto’s in our past few reviews. However, have you seen a crypto that is traditionally meme-inspired? Yes, you heard us right. This crypto was inspired by a meme and it is called Dogecoin. Dogecoin has a legendary run in the crypto industry, they were trading at super high value during the entire 2021. Here are some of its traits.
- High value
- Continued endorsement
- Attractive to developers
The best part about this crypto is the support that it is getting from some renowned names in the industry. For example, one of the huge names in the industry that supports this brand is none other than Elon Musk. In fact, just recently, Elon Musk has announced that TESLA now accepts crypto as a form of payment for their cars
The downside is that this crypto absolutely scrams the term “easy come, easy go”. We would say that the volatility of this crypto is one of the highest among all other crypto. You stand to lose quite a fair bit if you do not cash out at the appropriate time.
Thus, we would say to any investor in the crypto space to thread carefully when pursuing a crypto such as this. Aside from its massive following and backing from some renowned names, it still stands to fail or crash anytime. So, if you are not expert. We would suggest you stray away from this one.
- High value
- Continued endorsement
- Attractive to developers
- High volatility rate

We have spoken about so many different crypto in the above reviews. However, the main trait that is always associated with crypto comes in the form of its volatility. So, let’s bring some normalcy back to the crypto market. This comes in the form of Stablecoin and we can say that this type of crypto is made for the beginning investor. Here are some of its traits.
- Higher appeal to budding investors
- Asset based
- Accessibility to new evolving assets
The best part about this crypto is once again in its stability. The crypto doesn’t change much in terms of pricing. In fact, it typically keeps to its amount without many fluctuations. This would give new investors the opportunity to grow their portfolio in the crypto market and not fear too much loss.
The downside as in any investment comes in the returns. As you may have heard countlessly, low risk low returns, right? So, we find the returns of Stablecoins do not bring much. However, in order to play it safe, this is a necessary trade-off.
So, if you are reading this and find that crypto is too volatile of an investment. Well, fear no more. Now, we find one of the best crypto for you in order to grow your portfolio. In fact, we have heard as well one of the few ways to earn money from Stablecoins is to reap their interest rates.
- Higher appeal
- Stability
- Asset based
- Low returns

Now, that we have provided you with a safer option in terms of crypto selections. Let’s take a look back at the conventional crypto’s that bear a slightly different risk level. This crypto we are going to look at now is called Binance Coin. They are one of the large crypto’s in the market, this is so much so that it can perform activities that other crypto’s can’t already. Here are some of its traits.
- One of the biggest in the market
- One of the pioneers in the industry
- Large distribution potential
One of the best reasons as to why you should invest in this crypto is because of its application. This crypto is able to be used in all the standard trading and payment processing. However, it has extended it capabilities further where now, it can also arrange and book travel appointments. This will certainly show the future feasibility of this crypto.
The downside is that once again it bears the same cons that all other crypto’s face. This would come in its fluctuation and volatility in terms of its price. For example, in 2017, it was priced under 10p. However, in the month of February 2022, it is now worth 277 pounds. This is certainly a remarkable growth and volatility.
In short, we find that the product definitely has a wide array of merits. This comes especially so in terms of its growth. We would say that this crypto is definitely worth a huge look, if you have a huge capital that is able to sustain the short-term pain for long term gain. So, get cracking on this crypto if you haven’t yet.
- One of the biggest in the market
- Large distribution potential
- Various application
- Volatility

Now, we are coming to the last crypto that we are going to review in the market. This would come in the form of Cardano. There is a very good reason as to why we are leaving Cardano to the end of our review. This is because they themselves were late to the crypto party. However, they have made work in their favor as they made significant advances on the early mistakes of their predecessors. Here are some of its traits.
- Problem solving abilities
- Able to do smart contracts
- Native coin aspect
The best reason to invest in this crypto is due to low transaction time and energy usage requirements. This is where their system requires less energy and time in order to process a transaction. Thus, this is able to make them look significantly more attractive compared to their competitors in the market. Aside, they also leave less of an environmental footprint in the market.
The downside is that they still face the stiff problem of volatility that all crypto in the market possesses. However, we would say they have definitely lessened the impact that is felt upon their volatility. This is where it was worth 1.5p in 2017 and now 77p.
Noting on the above fact, we would say that in the crypto market. This product can definitely be a competitor to stable coins. It does not pose as low of a return compared to Stablecoins but it certainly is a much safer bet to new beginners in the crypto investment space. Thus, even for beginners such as ourselves. We are definitely looking into this.
- Moderate growth
- Problem solving abilities
- Native coin aspect
- Moderate volatility
Buying Guide

There is such a huge array of cryptocurrency in the market. However, to many of us that are new in the market. This can be a potentially life-threatening decision. In fact, if one is not careful in terms of this investment. They could place themselves in a situation that could be extremely dire. Thus, we want to create a buying guide that is suitable at tailored to various risk tolerance levels.
Know your capital
We would highly recommend for you to understand how much capital you have to work with. If you have low amounts of capital, we will definitely recommend crypto’s that are either Stablecoins or Cardano. These crypto wills give you the easy leverage on your capital and if the worst is to happen. You could easily escape without too much damage.
Understand the cryptocurrency and its market fluctuation
There are usually patters when it comes fluctuations of crypto. We would recommend that many should try to study the graphs and determine its patters. Once one can identify the pattern, the probability for you to capitalize on the situation is much higher.
Seek advice
There are many excellent traders in the market. This is where they have studies and properly researched all aspects about the crypto. If you have friends such as these, then we would certainly recommend that you fully capitalize on the situations and get their views. However, we would against throwing caution to the wind and taking their words for granted. Of cause, our selected top 10 best cryptocurrency to invest in 2022 (Malaysia) listed are worth you consider.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

So, when we did our research. You have no idea about the number of questions that we got asked. The questions all ranged from all the 5 W and 1 H. We were receiving questions left, right and center about all the detailed aspects of the crypto industry. The below are the top 3 questions that we always receive.
I don’t have capital, experience, or friends in the field to help me. What should I do?
We would recommend that if you are facing this scenario, you should invest in cryptocurrency that are more stable and would not sway too much. This way you would lose less in the worst-case scenario.
I have previously invested in crypto, and it did not turn out well. What should I avoid?
We would recommend that you should avoid investing at the wrong timing. This is where most investors actually lose most of their money. We would say you should always invest when the money is on a low and not on a high. That way you can capitalize on the growth potential. If you really want to give it a try, then refer to the top 10 best cryptocurrency to invest in 2022 (Malaysia) listed above.
I have heard from many friends that crypto is a scam and would not be worth it in the long run. Should I be concerned?
We would say that you need to understand the entire crypto market. Crypto is primarily ran on blockchain and it is a completely difference ball game in the industry that not many are familiar with. Thus, we would definitely recommend a quick study on blockchain, decentralized finance first prior to investing.
In short, the crypto industry is very unique compared to the traditional industry of investments. There are many doubters in the market that simply do not believe in the quality of the product. In fact, they may go as far to say that the product is a scam or a liability. We certainly do see huge merits in this product in the not-so-distant future.
This is because individuals such as Elon Musk, Floyd Mayweather and even Paris Hilton. These guys have all the capital in the world and certainly burning it on scam will not be on their agenda. Thus, if your faith is not in us, certainly the words of Elon Musk is one that is worth a listen when it comes to money. So lets us helping you make money with our list of the top 10 best cryptocurrency to invest in 2022 (Malaysia).