Write For Us: Submit Guest Post at AuntieReviews

Enjoy what you are reading at AuntieReviews? Then, why not write for us or either guest post here to share your thoughts?
That’s right! We are constantly on the lookout for passionate freelance writers to be a part of our team, as we strive to improve the living standards of the Malaysia consumers – by recommending the best products and services in Malaysia.
Writer Requirements:
- Proficiency in English.
- Familiar with conducting extensive research online.
- Passionate about writing (especially about products or services).
- Able to effectively deliver tasks as requested.
Everyone will have shopping habits, right? We know isn’t an easy task and quite time-consuming to finding the right product from millions of products in the market. That’s our goal is to help consumers to sort out the “BEST/TOP” by researching various products or services in market Malaysia. Although your task will be largely research-focused, our approach isn’t about writing lengthy content or difficult-to-understand content because we would like to keep it simple and straightforward for our readers.
How can I contribute a guest post or write for AuntieReviews?
Just email us directly at: support@auntiereviews.com and let us know what you are thoughts to write about. Tell us a bit about yourself (personal resume if any), and let us know what you have written before, share with us your writing samples (has to be relevant to what we have here!)
The subject may fall into the following product / service categories:
- Electronic Devices
- Electronic Accessories
- TV & Home Appliances
- Health & Beauty
- Babies & Toys
- Groceries & Pets
- Home & Lifestyle
- Women’s Fashion
- Men’s Fashion
- Fashion Accessories
- Sports & Lifestyle
- Automotive & Motorcycles
Article Requirements:
- Article need to have at least 2500 words.
- Make sure you have at least one photo related to the article.
- Make sure you have the article prepared with correct grammar.
- Article need to have subjects related to products and services within Malaysia.
- Article is to be delivered in Microsoft Word.
- Article belongs to AuntieReviews once the article is submitted.
- Each article must be unique (original work), and has never been published anywhere (online or offline).
- Article can only be published at AuntieReviews.
- If accepted, we will ask you to provide author profile information.