Different Skin Types and How to Take Care of Them?

Different Skin Types and How to Take Care of Them

Like how different each and every one of us is, our skin is also different too. There are a few skin type categories, and each type of skin reacts and behaves differently. And when not being taken care of correctly, your skin may develop skin issues and problems like excessive oily skin, acne, irritations, allergies, and premature aging. Wait a moment! Today topic will discuss the different skin types and how to take care of them.

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So, do you know your skin type? Well, we often buy products and follow certain skincare routines, without knowing our skin type. Thus, we often see that our effort in taking care of our skin is not working, and the skin problems would not go away.

This is very disappointing, as you’re very hard effort is going to waste. And the money you spend on buying skin care products is also a waste because they are not suitable for your skin.

But you should not worry anymore, because we are here to guide and help you in discovering your skin type, as well as to help you with the right skincare routine for your skin type.

Everyone is beautiful, in their own unique ways, and we want to highlight and illuminate your natural skin beauty. Remember that your skin is beautiful, and you do not need so much makeup every day to enhance the beauty. You just need the right skincare routine to revitalize your skin’s health and make it radiant and flawless.

We believe everyone deserves flawless skin, so do you. You’ll see how the right skincare routine and products are going to work wonders on your skin, and you’ll also see that your natural skin beauty is so much better than the one covered with makeup. 

What are the different skin types?

What are the different skin types

So, let’s find out your skin type and how to take care of them.

  1. Normal Skin Type

Normal Skin Type

Let’s start with the common and the one that is the easiest to take care of. A normal skin type is a skin type that is balanced. It is not too oily, but not too dry. Just the perfect amount of natural face oil to make it glow, but not too much that it will clog the pores. And not too dry too.

Normal skin type is also called eudermic, or the good skin type. Whoever is blessed with this type of skin is just so lucky. This is because a normal skin type is not prone to skin issues and will not experience any severe problems with the skin.

This is thanks to the healthy circulation of your body, the skin does not have so many visible pores, and it is not producing an excess amount of sebum and oil.

Do you have the normal skin type?

A normal skin type has a smooth texture with fine pores and no blemishes. There is no visible breakouts and acne, as well as no sensitivity. And it is also not too oily, and not too dry, just the right balance in between the two.

Is your skin like this? If yes, then we would like to congratulate you because you are the luckiest person on earth!

How do you take care of your normal skin type?

Although the normal skin type does not have any problems, this does not mean you don’t need skincare at all.

But since the skin type is not facing any serious issues, the basic skincare routine would be enough to keep your skin hydrated and nourishes it with the right vitamins and nutrients.

Follow these simple steps to take care of your normal skin type.

  • Drink your H2O.

It is important for your overall body’s health, as well as for your skin, to keep hydrated. Thus, the first step to take care of your skin is to drink enough water daily. Without enough water in your body system, your skin will dry up, which will lead to the production of excess sebum and oil.

  • Clean your skin.

Cleansing the skin needs to be done at least twice a day. This is to wash the dirt and impurities away, making your skin clean and fresh. It is important to remove your makeup too, and this is a must before going to sleep.

  • Moisturize is the key.

Moisturizing the skin is a must for all skin types. Moisturize the skin will hydrate it, thus, will not cause the skin to dry, and produce excessive sebum and oil. Moisturizing the skin is also slowing the skin’s aging process, making your skin look youthful all the time.

  • Protect your skin from the sun.

Radiation and UV are not good for the skin, and this applies to all skin types. Sunscreen is a vital product for your skin. Sun exposure will dry up the skin and will cause premature aging. The UV rays are also damaging the skin and will increase the risk of skin cancer.

  1. Dry Skin Type

Dry Skin Type

Dry skin type has a flaky and rough texture, and the skin is visibly dry. Sometimes dry skin can hurt too, because the skin can be very tight, and is prone to irritations, like itching. The texture of dry skin is uneven, and sometimes you can visibly see the dry patches.

Sometimes, the symptoms of dry skin are not so obvious, but you do have dry skin if your skin is very rough and flaky.

Dry skin happens because the skin is not producing the right amount of sebum and oil to naturally moisturize the skin. This will cause the skin to dry up and became very flaky and rough.

Sometimes, dry skin can also happen because of the external environment like the weather. During a hot day where the air is very dry and the sun is very bright, your skin will also tend to dry up.

Do you have a dry skin type?

If yes, then you need to do something about it, because if the dry skin is left untreated, your skin will go through premature aging, where you can see your skin slowly develops fine lines and become very dull.

But first, let us explain why your skin can dry up so bad. Genetics can be the number one culprit of why your skin behaves the way it is. There is nothing much you can fix when the cause of your skin issue is because of your genetics, except to treat it with skincare products.

Other factors of dry skin include washing your face too often, washing your face using hot water, as well as aging. Washing your face rips off the skin’s original oil, thus leaving it dry. Hot water is also contributing to dry skin, as the high water temperature is drying the skin up.

And as you’re older, the skin will produce less sebum, thus making the skin dry.

How do you take care of dry skin type?

As the skin is dry, moisturizing the skin regularly will help to keep the skin hydrated. It is important to find the right moisturizer, that0 is specially formulated for dry skin type. This way, the skincare product will do the right job to moisturize your skin.

Do not wash your skin too often. Skin cleansers can rip off the skin’s natural oil that moisturizes the skin naturally. It is enough to cleanse your skin twice a day.

And after cleansing your skin, avoid drying them using a rough face towel. Be gentle to your skin. Dry your skin by patting it gently with a soft face towel.

To prevent further dryness, make sure you always use sunscreen to protect your skin from sun exposure. Use sunscreen every time you need to go out of the house.

And last but not least, you need to also hydrate your body with water. Consuming the right amount of water will help to retain your skin’s moisture, thus preventing it from drying.

  1. Oily Skin Type

Oily Skin Type

Oily skin is the opposite of dry skin. Instead of the skin not producing enough sebum and natural oil, the oily skin type is producing too much sebum and natural oil. The result is clogged pores, which will lead to skin issues like acne.

The oily skin type has a greasy surface, with big and large pores. This type of skin is usually prone to acne, and if left untreated, can cause severe acne problems.

What is the cause of oily skin?

Oily skin can be caused by many factors. First, hormonal changes can be the culprit to why your skin is so oily. Hormonal imbalances can cause the skin to behave out of its norm, and thus producing excessive sebum.

Your skin can also be oily because of the wrong skincare products you use. For instance, the usage of exfoliating products or skincare product that is too strong can irritate the skin, thus causing the skin to produce excessive sebum.

Do you have an oily skin type?

If yes, you need to take care of your skin properly. Because if oily skin is left untreated, the pores can be clogged and will cause severe acne problems.

How do you take care of dry skin type?

  • Moisturizing is the key.

You must remember that your skin is producing excess sebum to moisturize the skin naturally. Somehow, your skin thinks that it is dry, thus they produce excessive sebum. So, to overcome this issue, you need to moisturize your skin regularly, to hydrate your skin.

If you’re not comfortable using moisturizer when the skin is too oily, you can opt for a gel-type moisturizer, that is water-based, and will not make your skin feel greasy.

  • Drink enough water.

Drinking enough water will also help your skin to regulate and improves its circulation, thus helps to control sebum production.

  • Do not wash your face too often.

Washing your face so often will rip off the natural oil from your skin, which will lead your skin to produce more sebum and oil. Although it may be uncomfortable to have greasy skin throughout the day, it is important to only wash your face twice a day.

  1. Combination Skin Type

Combination Skin Type

This is the skin type that combines dry and oily skin. The skin is oily at the T zone area of the face, and dry at the cheeks.

The combination skin is also prone to breakouts and acne, but only at the T zone area, where it is oily.  And the cheeks area is dry, is sensitive, and prone to irritations.

The cause of combination skin type is perhaps the same as the cause of oily and dry skin. But in this case, it is your body reaction that is different, thus, your skin reacts to become oily only at the T zone area.

Do you have a combination skin type?

Combination skin is a bit tricky to take care of and would need extra effort. Treating combination skin types is also hard because you would sometimes need separate products for the different skin areas on your face.

How do you take care of dry skin type?

Cleanse your face with a cleanser that is specially made for a combination skin type. These types of cleansers are specially formulated to treat combination skin types. And you do not need to wash your face too often too. It is enough to wash your face twice a day.

Sun protection is also important. As your face is a combination of oily and dry skin, the sun may cause your skin to irritate, and to cause it to produce more sebum. Apply sunscreen every time you need to go out and reapply after a few hours.

Sometimes, the combination skin type needs two separate skincare regimes. Thus, it is important to identify the severity of your combination skin type and opt for the right skincare for the different areas on your face. For instance, the moisturizer you use for the T zone area, and the rest of the face are different, as the T zone area needs moisturizer for oily skin type.


Before taking any action, you have to know your skin type from the above different skin types. The right skincare routine and buying the right skincare products that are suitable for your skin type will work wonders.

Your skin’s health also largely depends on your overall body’s health. So, to get yourself the flawless skin you always wanted, it is also important to eat healthily, exercise regularly, and don’t forget to drink enough water daily.

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