As human beings, we spend roughly about one third of our lives sleeping. That’s a lot of hours spent on a bed, which is precisely why you should really spend some time looking at the right kind of bed to buy. If you get the wrong kind of bed, you might spend more time looking at terrible sleep, bad posture, sore muscles and the works. We all know that a lack of sleep can lead to a host of problems as well, like shorter attention span, constant tiredness, no mood etc. That’s right! The following article will cover the Malaysia mattress size (or bed size): single bed dimension, super single bed size dimension, queen size bed dimension, king size bed dimensions in Malaysia.
“But it doesn’t really matter, right? As long as I have a comfortable place to sleep at night!”, is what a lot of people would say. But honestly, it’s unbelievable how many different bed size Malaysia there are. Plus, a lot of people often choose their bed sizes based on what everyone else is choosing. While that seems like the correct idea, you can’t really pick a bed that doesn’t fit in your bedroom. If you’re married, you can’t pick a bed that is too small for you and your partner. If you’re tall, you need to pick a bed that you can comfortably rest your whole body on. You get our point.
Today we’re going to take a look at some of the more common Malaysia mattress size or bed size, and how choosing the right size is vital for a good night’s sleep. We’ll be looking at some of the most common bed size Malaysia: Single bed, Super Single bed, Queen bed and King bed, their various differences, and tips on how you can choose the right one for your needs.
Without further ado, let’s begin!
Part 1: Bed Size Malaysia

Bed sizes in Malaysia are usually calculated based on their widths, similar to Australia and most South East Asian countries. This means that the bed length is usually quite similar, with differing widths. You will do well to take note of this when measuring the space needed in your room to place your bed.
What’s the Single bed Malaysia?

Let’s start with the Single bed size dimensions. The Single bed is often the smallest sized option you can choose, coming in at around 92cm x 188cm or a width of around 3 feet by 6 feet. The Single bed is most often used by children, students renting rooms, or as a spare bed in the guest room. As the name implies, it is better off as a single sleeper for the best comfort. Two people may still fit into it, but there will be a lot of kicking or pushing in the middle of the night.
What’s the Super Single bed size dimensions?

The Super Single bed is a super (pardon the pun) upgrade to the Single bed. If you think that the width of the Single bed is insufficient for you or your many bolsters, pillows and soft toys, the Super Single is here to solve all your problems. Coming in at around 107cm x 203cm or 3.5 feet by 6.6 feet, the Super Single bed is a wider and a markedly more comfortable bed to sleep in. It is more widely used in Malaysia due to its comfort, especially for students and adults renting rooms on their own outside. Plus, due to its more affordable price, it has steadily become a more popular option among the younger generation.
What’s the Queen bed size dimensions?

The Queen size bed is a step up from Single and Super Single beds, with more room to roll around in. The Queen Size bed measurement around 153cm x 203cm or 5 feet by 6.6 feet. The Queen sized bed is THE most purchased bed for couples, because it’s a more affordable option compared to the King size bed, and is bigger than the Super Single. Plus, it’s great for newly married couples with relatively smaller room space as it fits into most Master Bedrooms with no problems.
What’s the King bed size dimensions?

You’ll sleep like a KING! The King size bed is usually the largest size that most people will buy (there is the Super King, but we’ll not get into that today). It measurement comes in at around 183cm x 203cm or about 6 feet by 6.6 feet. The size alone is wide enough for up to three people, but most people buy it for the additional comfort of sleeping two. The King size bed is not a very popular option with Malaysians, mostly because of its hefty price tag as compared to the other sizes. Plus, not many people have the space required for a King sized bed in their bedrooms.
Part 2: Choosing The Right Bed For You

Type of bed | Bed Dimensions (Bed Size Chart) |
Super | 92cm x 188cm |
Super Single | 107cm x 203cm |
Queen | 153cm x 203cm |
King | 183cm x 203cm |
So, now that you’re up to speed on the size of the beds, it’s time to see which bed size Malaysia is the most suitable for you. Before we start with choosing the right size for you, there are a few things you should consider first. These include:
Your space
Okay, the first thing is to determine where you will be putting your bed. This involves taking a look at your home. Are you living in a small apartment or a huge bungalow? Are you staying in a SOHO unit or do you have your own room? The answer to all these questions becomes very important in the kind of bed you will be choosing.
For example: you will most likely go for a Super Single bed if you’re renting a room with someone. If you’re staying in a SOHO, you may be able to fit a maximum of a Queen Size bed but a King Size bed will leave you with no place to walk.
Determine your space before springing for a bed size. In this case, size does matter.
Your situation
Living alone vs living with someone is a huge game changer when it comes to Malaysia bed size. If you’re living with your partner, you wouldn’t want to sleep in a tiny Single bed; you’d go for a King or Queen Size bed instead for more comfort. Likewise, if you’re only renting a room with plenty of other people around, you may not want to get a Queen Size bed. First, that’s not smart and second, you’ll probably have to pay MUCH more in terms of buying the bed and rental to even get a space to fit your Queen Size bed. Know your living situation before you select your bed size.
Your sleeping patterns
Okay, we all have different sleeping patterns. Some of us sleep straight like mummies and some sleep as though they are performing a rock song. But don’t worry, it’s a well-known fact that an average person moves around 40 times in a single night. Your sleeping patterns will help you determine the best kind of bed size Malaysia that suits you.
For example, if you often find yourself moving around constantly when sleeping or even almost falling off the edge of the bed, you may want to look at a larger bed size. If you sleep like a vampire, then maybe a small bed will suit you well too. Make sure you have enough room to move around at night. After all, it’s all about your comfort.
Now that you’ve gotten yourself well and clear on the consideration, it’s time to determine the type of Malaysia bed size that suits you the best. Of course, this may vary from person to person, but overall, it is a good indicator of the size that is the best fit for you.
i. Single Size Bed
Perfect for sleeping just the one person. Single beds are affordable options for people who are renting or not looking to spend a lot of money on sleeping options.
You’d need this if:
- You have a child that is transitioning from a cot to sleeping on their own.
- You are a student in a shared house with your own room
- You are renting an apartment but need a cheaper alternative to sleep
ii. Super Single Size Bed
A slightly larger option which is still more suited for one person. Super singles are great for those who are looking for more space to sleep comfortably.
You’d need this if:
- You are a student in a shared house with your own room
- You are renting an apartment or a room
- You prefer to have more space when twisting and turning to sleep at night.
- You have a smaller space at home for a bed
- You want to have a bed for when guests sleep over
iii. Queen Size Bed
The ultimate couple’s option. The Queen size bed is a must have for all couples, due to the space it affords for two people to sleep together. However, it may be a bit small for those who constantly move around when sleeping.
You’d need this if:
- You are sleeping with a partner
- You need more space to turn in the middle of the night
- You are a newly married couple who wants to get an affordable two-person bed
- You have a smaller space at home for a bed for two people
iv. King Size Bed
Luxury at its finest. The largest option that is available to those who can afford it. The King size bed is great if you want to have a bigger space to move around at night, at a hefty price.
You’d need this if:
- You and your partner need a lot of space to move around
- You don’t mind paying more for the additional space.
- You are looking to upgrade your bed to something bigger
- You have more space in your home for a bigger bed
Part 3: Miscellaneous
In this section, we answer some of the more frequently asked questions about bed sizes and mattresses in Malaysia. These also include some tips about sleeping well.
What is the biggest size bed I can buy in Malaysia?
The King sized bed is the largest size you can buy in Malaysia. This could be due to the fact that demand for larger beds are not very high in Malaysia, and even the King size bed isn’t exactly flying off the showroom floors. For most of the other larger sizes, you may have to ship it in from overseas or have it custom made. But be warned that the price will be very expensive compared to the locally available stock-sizes here.
When should I replace my mattress?
Ideally, mattresses can last anywhere from five to ten years before you should even consider changing it up. However, the decision is entirely up to you as there are plenty of signs that it’s time to change your bed. These include:
i. Waking up with a sore body all over
ii. Feeling lumps all over the mattress
iii. Poor quality of sleep
You can make your mattress last longer if you use a mattress protector on top of your mattress to help keep out dust, allergens and other harmful hazards that will damage your mattress.
How do I regulate my sleep cycle?
First, get the right kind of bed to sleep in. Size does matter in this case, as your sleep is regulated by your body clock. It is said that you should have at least four to five proper sleep cycles for a night of complete rest. A sleep cycle can be broken down into these 5 stages:
Stage 1: Light sleep, which transitions between wakefulness and sleep. Your muscle activity slows down and you slowly lose awareness of your environment and surroundings.
Stage 2: The real sleep, as your body temperature drops and your heart rate slows down. You’re no longer aware of your surroundings. This stage usually lasts for around 20 minutes.
Stages 3 and 4: The transitional period between light and deep sleep. Your blood pressure and body temperature decrease and your breathing and heartbeat are also slowed down. This stage helps you to regain energy and hormones used throughout the day. After Stage 4, Stage 2 & Stage 3 are repeated before you can enter Stage 5.
Stage 5: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, which is where you are in the deepest sleep. Your eye movements are quickened and your breathing becomes shallower and more rapid. This stage is where dreams occur due to your brain’s more active activity.
What is the difference between Single beds and Super Single beds?
The addition of the word “Super”. We’re just kidding. Actually the main difference is the width size, as Single bed dimensions around 92cm x 188cm while Super Single bed size dimensions around 107cm x 208cm. Of course, there is a difference in price too, with the Super Single beds being more expensive compared to the Single beds. Comfort levels are also different, with the additional space of Super Singles giving off a more comfortable and restful sleep. But to each their own.
There you have it. That’s our comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about bed sizes in Malaysia. Considering that most people spend an average of around 8 hours sleeping, you should really make the right decision on the kind of bed you’re buying. This will definitely help you to have a more comfortable sleep, and lead a healthier life.
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